Cardiovascular disease Treatment in Nagpur


Low blood pressure is also known as hypotension, Cure Hypotension with Ayurvedic Remedies. The normal range of blood pressure is 120-140mmHg for systolic and 70-80mmHg for diastolic. The fall in blood pressure below  the #CardiovasculardiseaseTreatmentinNagpur normal range is called as hypotension. When blood pressure values are consistently ranging less than 90/60mm Hg, the condition is called hypotension. Some of the major reasons for this disorder are nutritional deficiencies, dehydration and/or hormonal disorders.
Symptoms of Low Blood Pressure
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Palpitations
  • Lethargy or weakness
The patient may faint when he assumes an erect position especially if arterial pressure falls further. These symptoms are presumably due to a decrease in blood circulation into brain, heart, skeletal muscle and other organs.
  • Faulty nutrition is the main cause of hypotension. The relaxation of the wall tissue of the blood vessels resulting from faulty nutrition makes the tissues flaccid. The loss of elasticity of tissues results in a decrease in their capacity to carry oxygen and nutrients to the other tissues. Malnutrition can result from a diet low in calories, and deficient in proteins, vitamins B and C.
  • Severe loss of blood is also responsible for hypotension. Low blood pressure may occur because of a slow pace of blood circulation in the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, or bladder.
  • Emotional stress can cause hypotension.
  • Dehydration in the body also leads to hypotension
  • Some disorders related to endocrine secretions are also responsible for hypotension.
Ayurvedic Aspect of Low Blood Pressure
Due to a disturbance in vata pitta balance, problems like kaphakshaya (decrease in kapha), ojakshaya (symptoms of weakness or fatigue), bhramalaksanas (confusion or disorientated state of mind) are seen. Many times dizziness, fainting is attributed to low BP.
The medicines recommended are known to #CoronaryarterydiseasetreatmentcenterinNagpur be using (warm in effect), tiksnavyavayi (sharp in taste) and Rasayana (rehydrating) in nature. When prakrutakapha (natural Kapha balance) is stable, hypotension is not reported. Hypotension is actually a rasaksayalaksana in Ayurveda, meaning it arises due to decrease in a fluid contained in the body.
The following conditions should be kept in mind when you are reporting about low blood pressure:
  • Overexposure to heat
  • Diarrhea
  • Undergoing diuretic treatment / Nitrates
  • Over bleeding, sweating, and Urination
  • Abnormal heartbeat, commonly seen in atrial fibrillation.
  • Immediately after a heart attack
  • Pulmonary embolism
  • Use of some anti-depressants
  • Diabetes and Parkinsonism, diseases in which autonomic nervous system is involved
In the above-mentioned conditions, if blood pressure falls, the brain gets affected. As blood cannot reach the brain (circulating against the gravity), one may feel dizzy, and faint. Malfunction of any vital organ due to low BP is termed as a shock.
First- aid for Low Blood Pressure
  • Lower the level of the head and raise the level of legs by keeping 2-3 pillows.
  • Keep some pickle under the tongue.
Ayurvedic Medicines for Low Blood Pressure
  • Sutshekhar Rasa with Mishri
  • Siddha makaradvajam-
  • PurnacandrodayaRas
  • Vayu gulika-
  • Ashwagandhachurna
  • Arjunaristam
  • Ashwagandharistam
  • Dasamularishtam
  • Draksharishtam
  • Ashwagandhaghan
  • Jatamansichurna with milk
Parijatak Ayurveda and Low Blood Pressure Treatment
Having said almost a lot about low blood pressure and its causes, you must remember the first aid. Talk to the experts at Parijatak Ayurveda who can tell you the best ways to help in case of low BP. Take Ayurvedic medicine if the low BP persists for a longer duration. Frequent fall in blood pressure is not a good sign, so get it diagnosed properly and take proper nutrition to avoid it.
