Get Shamanic Healing With Effective Ayurvedic Remedies And Extracts Of Ayurvedic Herbs


Some methods used in administering shamanic healing to the patient are deep, lying near the luminance of fire, pachan or burning of the toxins, ksud-nigraha or keeping fast, trut-nigraha or observing thirst,  vyayama or yoga stretching; atap-seva, which means lying in the sunlight.Shaman Therapy is one of the important purification therapies in Ayurveda. It is also known as palliation or suppression therapy, as it is a milder form of treatment than the Shaman massage therapy India. Shaman aims at restoring balance and harmony in the body through medication when the patient is not fit for shodhana. Unlike Shodhan, the Shaman method demands efforts from the patient to retain the positivity of Shaman.
Deepan helps to create appetite by having medicated ghee and spicy food to reduce the aggravated dosha and bring harmony. Paachan aids in digesting toxic wastes or ama, with various herbal combinations. Kshudha Nigrah is a fasting technique to kill the appetite. Selective fasting helps to balance the doshas in the body. Vayama or ‘physical exercise’ helps to reduce obesity, diabetes, digestive problems etc. Aatap Seva or sunbathing is recommended for skin problems, rheumatism, or arthritis. It helps to pacify Vata dosha.
Pachana chikitsa refers to the oral administration of certain medicines that augments and assists the process of digestion, thus ensuring #VamanatherapyIndia the optimal state of gastrointestinal tract. Thereby one can expect proper digestion and assimilation of the drugs administered as well as the desired results from the shodhana therapies that follow.
Two distinct state of morbid dosha is probable in any given illness. It is named a theapakva and pakva state. Apakva state of the morbid dosha refers to an unformed state in which the dosha firmly adhere to the dhatu (body tissues) and srotas (channels). Further, in this state of dohsa, it can not be mobilized into to the gastrointestinal tract. Mobilization of the morbid dosha into the gastrointestinal tract is essential to expel them from the body either by vamana, virechana or basti procedures. 
Pachanachikitsa is indicated prior to the administration of any shodhana therapy as it helps in transformation of apakvastate of the morbid dosha into the pakva state. Moreover, pachana chikitsa is especially indicated as purvakarma in vamana, virechana and basti, as optimal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is also achieved by this treatment. Since pachanachikitsa has curative effect it is also indicated in the following conditions:
Madhyamadoshavastha:-  Moderate amount of dosha vitiation
Madhyamabalatura         :-  Clients having average physical
Kapha-pitta        :-  Morbidity of the pitta as well as
Chhardi              :-  Vomiting
Atisara               :-Diarrhea
Hridroga            :-  Disease of the heart
Medicines For Pachana Chikitsa And Their Dosage

            :-  50ml t.i.d. preferably before meals
Citrakadivati                       :-  500mg t.i.d. along with water
Chitrakasava                       :-  02ml t.i.d.
Agnitundivati                      :-  250mg t.i.d. with water
Hingvashtakachurna        :-  3grams t.i.d. along with the first spoon
of food.
Dried ginger powder           :-  ½ to 1 gram twice daily before meals
(Zinziberofficinale)               with honey or milk

Following the administration of the pachanachikitsa, it is continued for certain period till the client develops the desired effect. The therapist should observe the client regularly to appreciate the appearance of symptoms indicating the proper effect of the pachanachikitsa. As the pachanachikitsa belongs to the category of langhanachikitsa, appearance of the following symptoms of proper langhana is also suggestive of proper effect of pachanachikitsa.

Vatavisarga               :-  Proper passing of the flatus
Mutravisarga            :-  Proper evacuation of the bladder
Purishavisarga :-  Proper evacuation of the bowel
Gatralaghava  :-  Subjective feeling of lightness in thebody
Hridayashuddhi        :-  Feeling of clarity in the precordial region
Kanthashuddhi          :-  Clarity of the throat
Ascertaining the desired effect of the pachana chikitsa, as per the predetermined course of Panchakarma, snehapana is #AyurvedictreatmentclinicNagpur administered from the next day onwards. In some clients sluggishness of the gastrointestinal tract may relapse by the discontinuation of the pachanachikitsa. In such situations continuing the oral medication of the pachanachikitsa along with snehapana is advisable.
